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Заточка и вплавление камней
Дата: Пятница, 08 Августа 2008, 23:11 | Сообщение # 1
В общем по многочисленным просьбам создаю сей гайд по заточке оружия и шмоток
И так, начнём:

Для того чтобы заточить какую либо вещь вам потребуются камни бессмертных

Взять их можно либо сломав ***сереневую вещь (предварительно отремонтировав её если это дроп)
Либо за квест ювелира, на который требуется 25 осколков
либо по 3 камня этого вида
которые дают за обычные квесты
Также можно прикупить за реал камней дабы уменьшить риск "неудачной заточки"

Шанс на заточку - величина не постоянная. Он зависит от уровня заточки, места, где точим (точно) и времени (не проверенно).
Место, где точить лучше определяется или методом проб или у ВейКсяоБао в Городе Драконов.
Он может дать совет типа "точить вещь класса Х на Y лучше всего в месте Z".
При заточке могут быть следующие исходы:

  • вещь заточилась
  • вещь не заточилась
  • вещь не заточилась и заточка обнулилась
  • вещь не заточилась и заточка уменьшилась (не проверенно)
    Оружие точится на урон, броня (включая плащ и шапку) на ХП, кольца - на пдеф или мдеф, ожерелье и пояс - усиливают эффект.
    Эффект от заточек нелинейный.

    Если у вас есть все для заточки, то ищем в любом городе старосту и разговариваем с ним
    Выбираем строку "Усовершенствование снаряжения"

    Далее переносим в верхнюю ячейку вещь которую хотим заточить, в нижнюю можно вставить камень из магазина за реал, но необязательно

    Собственно жмем "ОК" и если вам повезет, то вещь заточится на +1, если нет... увы.. свалится на 0 (чтоб несваливалась и существуют разные виды камней за реал)

    зы: дальше дополню про вплавку камней в вещи с ячейками... ща просто влом...
    зыы: данный гайд будет постоянно обновлятся, такчто следите за обновлениями (кому интересно)

  • Unk
    Сообщений: 557
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    Дата: Суббота, 16 Августа 2008, 19:22 | Сообщение # 2
    Quote (Взято от сюда )

    Долго думал - переводить ли это на русский язык... Решил, что лучше оставить в оригинале, т.к. русский перевод ПВ сейчас сделан через промт.
    Для тех, кто не знает английский. Ниже предоставлена инфа, где лучше точиться на определенный "+" к предмету. Инфа это ОФИЦИАЛЬНАЯ, получается путем распроса какого-то НПС в игре... А наши забугорные друзья собрали всё в одно место
    Если кому-то будет нужен перевод локаций( примерный, дальше думаю допрете сами, интуитивно / ассоциативно ), обращайтесь сюда , переведу
    Поехали(Для удобства восприятия, раскрасил текст):

    The successful ratio to forge a "+1" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Land of Biting.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+2" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Ancient Path of the Sealing Ice.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+3" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Canyon of Avalanche.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+3" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Myriad Ridge.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+4" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Ancient Path of Haunting.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+5" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of City of Misfortune.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+6" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Ancient Great Wall.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+8" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Residual Mountain.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+7" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Foredawn Plain.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+9" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Walled Stronghold.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+10" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Mount of Lantern.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+11" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Fire Bathing Village.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+12" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Plain of Leaving.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+3" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Hasten Plain.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+4" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Town of Forwarding Wind.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+5" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Shining Tide Woods.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+6" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Dragon Wilderness.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+7" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Silk Ridge.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+8" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Vicinage Town.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+9" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Hill of Scented.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+10" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Sundown Highland.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+11" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Source of Ebb Water.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+12" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Hill of Ending Dragon.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+3" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Unworried Path.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+4" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Lake of Sky.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+5" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Skyscrapping Cliff.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+6" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Orchis Serene Valley.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+7" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Peach Dock.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+8" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Sea of Desert.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+9" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Astound Ridge.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+10" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Ancient King's Tripod.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+11" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Swamp of Wraith.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+12" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Haze Forest.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+3" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Land of Buried Bones.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+4" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of South Screen Mountain.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+5" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of White Ridge.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+6" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Black Mountain.

    The successful ratio to forge a "+7" equipment is probably higher if you go to refine your equipment at the governor of Ridge of Dreaming Cloud.

    Несовсем я понял что имелось ввиду про заточку дальше чем +10.. разбирайтесь кому надо smile

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